He taonga te mokopuna, kia whāngaia, kia tipu, kia rea.
A child is a treasure, to be nurtured, to grow, to flourish.
We plan programmes using the New Zealand Curriculum.
For each child this curriculum involves: Wellbeing, Belonging, Communication, Exploration & Contribution.
Here in Baby Bears we pride ourselves on our small ratios and group size. This helps us ensure your child is provided quality individualised care that is an extension of the primary care they receive at home. We aim that in tailoring our care to the individual we build positive reciprocal relationships for your child. We enable our tāmariki to learn at their own developmental pace in a safe, secure environment – where we support their journey towards independence.
Here in Steady Bears we celebrate what each child uniquely brings to our space, building strong, loving, close relationships with each child and their whānau.
We foster creativity and exploring, using all of our senses, and provide rich experiences to learn in a natural stimulating environment. Our outdoor space and playground encourages safe discovery of our tamariki's ever-evolving abilities. We take a gentle and relaxed approach to children's development, knowing that play-based learning in a home like environment is where they will flourish.
We look forward to working and journeying alongside you and your child.
Here in Big Bears our curriculum is centered around 'child-led' learning encouraging children to take responsibility for their learning. We build on a child’s personal interests to make their learning relevant, honing in on their awareness of different topics and extending that interest into a series of positive learning opportunities enriched with literacy, numeracy and positive social interactions. Other important skills we put great emphasis on is readiness for school, turn taking, social interaction with their peers, word and number identification, writing and drawing skills.
We participate in farm days every Wednesday. These are fundamental to our curriculum and help us to explore sustainability and kaitiakitanga / guardianship of our precious land and resources.
Pop in for a visit and see if Country Kids is right for your whanau today.
Want to learn more? Get in touch and we will gladly answer any queries regarding fees and availability.
Please note, we require all visits to Country Kids to be prearranged before arrival.